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Vitals provides solutions for health database query as well as an available panic button (voice + data).  Vitals Data can be queried by phone number and will always be associated with a live 911 call.


Use Case

When a query for Vitals data is made by phone number (tel://{phone_number}), the call taker will be provided with location and additional emergency related data.

Use Case Details

The following solutions care available:

  • Health Database Query provides health related information to the 9-1-1 center to assist with public safety triage.
  • Panic Button Voice+Data - Vitals patients and caregivers can utilize the panic button feature to provide location and profile information to the PSAP.


Vitals Data

Testing data returned under the vitals key.

Note that within the contacts field, multiple contacts or none can be shown for full_name and phone_number.

If no data is returned by the request, there will be no data returned in the payload.



About us

We build APIs that share data with first responders to help protect lives.