Dynamic Layers API
RESTful API for ingesting dynamic spatial objects into the RapidSOS NG911 clearinghouse.
Map Layer Management
Layer Management API for creating, updating, and querying for Spatial Layers and Spatial Objects.
Integrated RapidSOS Portal (iRP) v.2
REST API used for integrating RapidSOS portal (iRP) v2 into partner solutions with Deep Links retrieval.
Authentication Token for Ingress and Egress APIs
These HTTPS endpoints are used to obtain a token that allows partners to push or request data from the RapidSOS Emergency Data Platform API endpoints.
Emergency WorkFlow API
The RapidSOS Emergency WorkFlow API packages our deep expertise on the technical and policy challenges associated with the antiquated, complex 9-1-1 system into a single API call, enabling you to focus on quickly implementing a safe and effective emergency solution for your users.
RAD-E (RapidSOS Additional Data) Enhanced
RapidSOS Additional Data (RAD) API for querying user and session data in an emergency.
LEI (Latest Emergency Information)
RESTful API for retrieving location data from the RapidSOS NG911 clearinghouse.
Integrated RapidSOS Portal (iRP) API
This API is used for integrating the RapidSOS Portal into partner solutions.