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Data Share Partner Guide


RapidSOS Data Share enables a RapidSOS Partner the ability to receive 911 emergency call data (e.g. phone number, call location, call additional data, etc...) when shared directly by a 911 telecommunicator using RapidSOS Portal. 

This document is intended for prospective or active Data Share Partners. It provides information on Data Share, details required for development and testing, as well as additional useful information to consider. 


Data Share Overview

Solution Flow

The core Data Share capability is to allow a RapidSOS Portal user to share 911 call data with a RapidSOS Partner. The following diagram depicts a high-level solution flow of Data Share:

Figure 1: Data Share Solution Overview


Sharing Data in Portal

All Data Share solutions appear within the RapidSOS Tools Menu for authorized users in RapidSOS Portal. Note that Data Share solutions are only accessible when a Portal user has a 911 call selected. Once a 911 call is selected, a Portal user can navigate to and select the Data Share partner in the Tools Menu that they would like to share data with.


Figure 2: Data Share Solutions in the Tools Menu in RapidSOS Portal


Once a user selects a Data Share partner in the Tools Menu, a confirmation prompt will appear.

Figure 3: Data Share Solution Confirmation Prompt in RapidSOS Portal


Receiving Data from RapidSOS

Once a RapidSOS Portal user has confirmed their intent to share, RapidSOS will share the emergency data with the designated Data Share Partner using a WebHook interface. Partners who wish to receive emergency data should create a web request handler capable of receiving RapidSOS' data share web requests, which will be signed, unauthenticated POST requests.

Partners can be configured to receive the following information from the RapidSOS Emergency Response Data Platform:

  • Phone number of a selected 911 call in RapidSOS Portal
  • Incident location (i.e. lat/long) of selected 911 call
  • RAD-E / LEI API token for accessing additional data and/or the latest location of selected 911 call
  • ECC Account ID
  • ECC Jurisdiction Boundary Box

Please note the following:

  • Both the LEI and RAD-E API will not return any information after 10 minutes of the end of the selected 911 phone call.
  • The RAD-E API will only return additional data from data source partners that are enabled and activated at the ECC making the data share request.
  • The RAD-E API is not configured to return any additional data provided by Apple (e.g. Medical ID)
  • Only applicable partners that serve public safety are eligible to receive call location and additional data information. Please contact to learn whether your organization is eligible.


Implementing the Data Share Handler

Data Share Partners wishing to receive data shared by RapidSOS Portal users should implement a HTTP request handler capable of receiving these requests.

The handler should be designed to the following API specification

A complete handler should do the following:

  1. Accept POST requests at the 'Handler URL' endpoint provided to RapidSOS
  2. Accept payloads in the JSON format
  3. [Optionally] Validate the HMAC-SHA1 signature contained in the 'X-RapidSOS-Signature' header in the request
  4. Decode and validate the JSON Payload
  5. Return an appropriate response code based on the received payload
    1. 200 If the payload is acceptable
    2. 400 if the payload is malformed
    3. 401 if the payload signature is invalid


Developing and Testing a Data Share Solution

Partners can develop and test their Data Share solutions within the RapidSOS Sandbox environment. The RapidSOS Sandbox environment provides a complete replica of the RapidSOS Portal browser application including the Data Share capability. 

Access RapidSOS Portal on Sandbox by performing the following:

  1. From your web browser navigate to the Sandbox RapidSOS Portal URL:
  2. Click the Login button at the upper right corner
  3. Enter your Username and Password

Please note the following:

  • Login credentials will provide access to a specific RapidSOS Portal account that has its own jurisdictional boundaries. 
  • If you would like to set the jurisdictional boundary of your existing Sandbox Portal account to a different region, please contact 
  • If you don’t have login credentials, please contact

Additional Information

Partner Eligibility 

To receive data from the RapidSOS Emergency Data Platform via the RapidSOS Portal, you must be an approved integration partner that serves public safety. Please contact for additional information and approval.


ECC Enablement 

The ability for a RapidSOS Portal user to share data with your platform will only be enabled at agencies authorized by you, the partner.


Helpful Resources / Links


  • LEI (Latest Emergency Information) API - This interface is for use by authorized public-safety entities to access location data for an emergency call.
  • RAD-E (RapidSOS Additional Data) Enhanced API - This interface is for use by authorized public-safety entities to access additional data associated with an emergency call. The additional data can potentially come from various RapidSOS data source partners (e.g. Uber, MedicAlert, etc…)


Requirements for Implementation

Below is a summary of items a Data Share Partner needs to provide RapidSOS in order to implement a RapidSOS Data Share solution.






Handler URL

The URL to which a request is made after the Partner solution is selected in RapidSOS Portal.

Note that the handler URL can be configured per environment e.g. sandbox, production, etc..

Must be a valid URL. e.g. ''


Solution Name

The text of the solution's Tools drop-down menu option in RapidSOS Portal.

Max length is 30 characters including spaces.


Solution Description

The text description of the solution that appears in Tools drop-down menu.

Max length is 280 characters including spaces.


Partner Name

The text that appears in the RapidSOS Portal Admin page that identifies the creator of the solution.



Secret Key

A shared secret used to validate that Data Share requests are coming from RapidSOS.



Support Contact

The name and email address of the Data Share Partner team member who should be notified in the case of any technical issues or questions that the RapidSOS support team cannot answer.



User Manual

The user training manual for describing your Data Share solution and its value to ECCs.



Sandbox Portal Jurisdiction The geographical area you would like your Sandbox RapidSOS Portal account set to e.g. Pittsburgh, PA. You’ll use this Sandbox account during development and testing. #N/A Required

About us

We build APIs that share data with first responders to help protect lives.