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RapidSOS Location Creation Utility

RapidSOS Location Creation Utility

Note: This is a beta Utility and as such is still under development. Some downtime may be experienced, and functionality is currently limited.

The RapidSOS Location Creation Utility is used to add numbers to the RapidSOS Sandbox environment for the purpose of testing and development. If you would prefer to use our default numbers they can be found in the RapidSOS Sandbox Testing Numbers.

Current limitations
The tool can only handle up to 8 locations at a time. If more than 8 locations are entered, the tool will fail to add the information to the sandbox and the page will need to be reloaded before it can be used again.
Latitude and Longitude are currently displayed and submitted to the RapidSOS clearinghouse with only 3 digits beyond the decimal point
Altitude is not currently available in this utility
Additional data is currently limited

Note: We ask that users use phone numbers that would not be utilized by any other users. We recommend using your own phone number to keep things simple. Please refrain from using RapidSOS Sandbox test numbers such as 555-555-5555.

Login Information
To log into the RapidSOS Location Creation Utility navigate to and use the username and password below.
Username: ng911
Password: MybNiv3swev

To use the tool
Navigate the map to the approximate location at which you would like the test calls to display.

Click a location on the map to add it to the list of locations on the right. Repeat this step until you have all the locations you need. (Currently only supports up to 8 locations)

Note: these locations will be added to the sandbox in 3-second increments to simulate movement. Once the locations are all added they will remain static.

Enter a location accuracy of 1 – 11 (This will imitate the circle of confidence on the map.)
Enter a phone number. We recommend using your own phone numbers to keep things simple.

Note: This can be any information you would like. It does not need to be as detailed as that shown in the screenshot.

Once all the desired information is entered click the "SEND" button

Note: To test movement have the application that will be querying for this information ready to do so as soon as you hit the "SEND" button. The listed locations will be added to the sandbox environment in 3 second intervals to help simulate movement and then remain static.


Once the locations have been added to the sandbox, a message saying “Locations for (phone number) added”


Updating data in the sandbox
If you would like to update or change the data displayed for a specific phone number, simply follow the same steps above using the same phone number and send the new data.


If you have any issues please contact Technical Support at

About us

We build APIs that share data with first responders to help protect lives.