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Public Safety Integrators

Understanding Public Safety Integrations

Public Safety integrators are partners that need to display and query emergency related information (such as CAD, CPE, mapping providers, etc.). 

Note: You must be a verified ECC or PSAP to receive data.

The basic integration premise is to query the emergency response data platform for every incident. If the emergency response data platform has data for that incident, the data will be returned; if not, it will not return anything.

IMPORTANT:  Every incident should be queried (vs. only wireless calls for example) as certain data providers could also pertain to landline calls (e.g., MedicAlert, 911inform, or 911 Secure) or are not wireless calls at all (e.g., VoIP calls or telematics). Developing at the “header” level of the APIs, dynamically generating the fields, is the best way to “future proof” your development and ensure your integration is ready for new data sets.

Additional data types are added to the emergency response data platform regularly. Some examples include telematics, alerts, wearables, mobile apps, and smart home devices. Querying every incident will ensure your integration is poised to take advantage of these additional data feeds.

Everything is cloud-hosted within the emergency response data platform structure. End-users must have IP connectivity (preferably through their NG911 network or otherwise via a firewall, etc.). RapidSOS provides the emergency response data platform free to Public Safety vendors and ECCs. To reiterate, there is no charge for this service. Note that some of our partners charge for their integrations; however, that relates directly to the partner business model - RapidSOS does is not directly involved with that process.


RapidSOS Public Safety Integration Methods

There are two ways to display data from the RapidSOS emergency response data platform:

  1. Integrated RapidSOS Portal (iRP)
  2. API integration

Integrations are not forced to just one option. These two integration methods are not mutually exclusive and can both be utilized at the same time.

IMPORTANT:  All new integrations require both location and additional data, provided by either Integrated RapidSOS Portal (iRP) or the additional data APIs.


Integrated RapidSOS Portal

Integrated RapidSOS Portal is the fastest way to provide all the data from the RapidSOS emergency response data platform to your customers.

Key Features

  • Provide your customers immediate access to new additional data sources.
  • Automatic updates for calls in motion and assistance locating abandoned/hang up calls
  • Administrative Portal for integration testing, ECC Live notification, and credential management
  • Provide ability to query location for text-to-911
  • Focus group of your users before committing dev resources
  • Integrated RapidSOS Portal is the only way to integrate with RapidSOS Portal: Jurisdiction View
  • Jurisdiction View is a free enhancement for RapidSOS Portal that automatically displays data from the RapidSOS Emergency Response Data Platform on one map, including accurate location and additional data.

The Integrating RapidSOS Portal documentation describes how to automatically initiate a query and display the corresponding data in RapidSOS Portal.


API Integration

Another way to integrate with RapidSOS is by using our available APIs. Both the RapidSOS

Portal and API integration can be performed, and it does not require selection of one option over the other.

An API Integration is the most customizable way to provide location and additional data from the RapidSOS emergency response data platform to your customers. An API integration also allows for the information to be accessible in the agency's existing workflow.

Key Features:

  • Integrated into existing ECC workflow
  • Immediate, automatic querying
  • Caller history
  • Ability to plot multiple calls
  • Internal documentation

Review the available RapidSOS APIs that you want to use. More information on API Integration can be found in the API Documentation.


Review RapidSOS API Product(s)

  1. Review and select the RapidSOS API products that will be used for your requirements from the RapidSOS API Catalog. Once the APIs have been selected, you can begin the integration process. Go to the API Products page and select an API to review it further.
  2. To use a RapidSOS API product, you must register and create an account. An account is quick to set up and is free of charge.

Contact Us to Register and create an account

  1. Send an email to 
  2. The RapidSOS team will send you an email to get started.

Once you have received your account details from the Partner Enablement team, you can Log in to your account and begin. Look for your credentials in under the admin section.

  1. Go to 
  2. Select Log In at the upper-right of the page to access your account. If you do not have an account, sign up for an account on the left-side of the page. 
  3. Click the Admin Section to view credentials

Admin Section



Developing your Application

Once the desired integration method(s), APIs, and account registration has been reviewed and completed, you are ready to start developing. Use the RapidSOS sandbox environment to access dummy data, and safely try out all API functionality. You can request sandbox credentials here.

For a detailed guide on how to use a specific API in the sandbox environment, go to the related API product documentation. To view all available APIs, go to the API catalog page.

Give feedback: RapidSOS wants to be engaged with our clients so that we can accelerate integration, and best serve our customers. If you are interested in RapidSOS products, or would like to give feedback, contact us.

Use our testing resources with our available internal sandbox. Once that process is complete, you will be ready to Go Live!

To go live with your application

  1. Go to the RapidSOS API Requirements & Recommendations section, ensure that you comply with all points.
  2. Complete the steps located in the Integrating RapidSOS Portal documentation. This process describes how to test and get approval to release your application in a production environment. 

Note: Additional information on API Integration can be found within our API Catalog on this developer portal. 

About us

We build APIs that share data with first responders to help protect lives.