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Account Registry1.0.0

Building Safety Account Registry API for registering live locations.


The RapidSOS Account registry is a multifunctional tool used for both accounting and emergency call direction for our School Safety Solution. Your organization is fully responsible for maintaining records - inclusive of inserts, updates, and deletions.

All payload formats must match the specifications below, failure to do so may result in improper accounting. 

At any time an update occurs for a URI, all variables need to be sent again

Best Practice is to update end users within the RapidSOS Account Registry when they begin or terminate service automatically.


Node Reporting

If your organization needs to report both count of users with access to RapidSOS for billing purposes, please use the below example to guide you through your development.




"uri": "client-id://1234"





  • The character limit for a URI is 100
  • Your organization is responsible for updating the end users and removing them if service is cancelled

About us

We build APIs that share data with first responders to help protect lives.