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API Environments & Credential Management

1 Overview

Each output interface to RapidSOS systems (commonly referred to as the RapidSOS NG911 Clearinghouse) is deployed on several different infrastructure environments to facilitate development and testing new releases, preserving the security and privacy of live customer data. Any details specific to an interface will be described in the documentation for that interface, however all of them share the common base described in this document.


2 Audience

This document references input and output APIs. Though this document focuses primarily on output APIs, similar considerations for input APIs and SDKs are described in each of their respective documentation pages. However, the descriptions of the root hosts of each environment below still apply - when an input API is used on one environment, the data is unique to that environment and not accessible by output APIs of other environments.


3 Environments

The following environments are defined:

  • Production
  • Sandbox
  • Staging


3.1 Production

  • Full deployment of microservices to geographically-redundant clusters, API rate-limiting/throttling features enabled for denial of service protection, etc.
  • Full data access controls
  • All deployments handling live 9-1-1 in PSAPs should use this environment
  • LIS interface only returns location records created within the last 10 minutes
  • LEI latest location query interface only returns location records created within the last 60 minutes. Queries using the start and limit parameters can still be used to query outside this range
  • LIS and LEI interfaces only return location records with an uncertainty_radius less than or equal 500 meters


3.2 Sandbox (production mirror with dummy data)

  2. Exact clone of the production environment, with versions of software deployments identical to production
  3. Primarily intended for developer integration and testing
  4. Data access controls are lax compared to production - sensitive data should not be sent here
  5. No guarantees of uptime or data retention
  6. LIS interface returns location records created within the last 10 years
  7. LEI latest location query interface returns location records created within the last 10 years. Queries using the start and limit parameters can still be used to query outside this range
  8. LIS and LEI interfaces return location records with an uncertainty_radius less than or equal 10,000 meters


3.3 Staging (new versions pre-production)

  • Exact clone of the production environment infrastructure
  • Upcoming versions of services are deployed here (including patches, feature additions, etc), for use in testing and verification by integrators before promotion to production
  • Data access controls are lax compared to production - sensitive data should not be sent here
  • No guarantees of uptime or data retention
  • LIS interface only returns location records created within the last 10 minutes
  • LEI latest location query interface only returns location records created within the last 60 minutes. Queries using the start and limit parameters can still be used to query outside this range
  • LIS and LEI interfaces only return location records with an uncertainty_radius less than or equal 500 meters


4 Authentication & Encryption

RapidSOS currently supports two main modes for each interface:



Details for both modes are provided:

The sandbox described in this documentation accepts both modes simultaneously.


5 Credential Management


5.1 Environments

  • Production
    • Authenticated HTTPS interfaces enabled, keys available upon submitting a request through here and choosing Credentialing Support in the Topic dropdown
    • Keys expire after 365 days
    • Each set of credentials rate-limited to 1000 requests per minute, and monitored for abuse against a set of heuristics
    • Location interfaces require the provisioning of a geofence that matches jurisdictional authority for the key. Your RapidSOS contact will be able to make sure any required geofences are provisioned on production keys.
  • Staging
    • Same as production environment, with API keys managed through the developer portal.
  • Sandbox
    • Same as production environment, with API keys managed through the developer portal
    • Unauthenticated HTTP interfaces enabled to internet


5.2 Production Credential Authorization

Note for production credentials: production keys are to be granted in conjunction with a deployment to an entity with authorization to receive the information from live 911 calls (i.e., a municipality or other 911 operating authority), or their vendors that have been authorized to administer systems on their behalf. Thus, any production credential requests initiated through the web portal will sit in a pending state until RapidSOS can verify the legitimacy of the request.

New flow as of 2/20/2020 An example of a site onboarding flow might be similar to the following:

  1. New site deployment is identified
  2. Authorized PSAP personnel submits a credential request through RapidSOS Portal.
  3. Credentials are issued to PSAP personnel and managed through RapidSOS Portal.
  4. As part of the activation, RapidSOS must provision geofence information for the API key


6 Geofencing

 Internal to the RapidSOS system, each production API needs to be provisioned with a geofence indicating a broad area of applicability. These geofences are used to prevent abuse by locking the locations any key can query for to those inside the geofence.

For example, a key issued with a geofence that surrounds only the greater Boston metro area cannot be used to return a location that is in Florida: if such a key queries a number that has such a location, the interface will return a 404 response as if no location is found.

These bounding geofences are created in conversation with authorities during the key provisioning process - the RapidSOS public safety will always endeavor to conform to the requirements of the jurisdiction in question, e.g. to make the bounding boxes as large as necessary to service their call volume (handling regions where transfer calls are common, for example).


7 Credential Usage Guidelines and Limits

 The following important considerations should be accounted for in client implementations and deployments:

  • By default, credentials are set to expire after 365 days, to force period credential rotation
  • By default, usage of each set of credentials is limited to 1000 requests per minute

These parameters are configurable if need be, but it is not recommended to deviate too far from security best practices whenever possible.

It is expected that credentials would normally be deployed on a per-site basis, so for example each PSAP would use a different set of credentials (or multiple different sets). This is so that if ever there is a need to revoke access - for example if there is ever a security breach, a client/server glitch creating spam, etc - revocation only affects a small number of sites / workstations.

RapidSOS will coordinate email and phone renewal reminders to holders of active production credentials three months in advance of expiration, with regular follow-up and support until renewal is accomplished.

About us

We build APIs that share data with first responders to help protect lives.